By Kelvin Kasiwulaya
With the summertime festivities in full swing, the city has been painted red with beer binges, and sexually generous girls of school-going age “Ama 2000” are seen piping out smoke from the parabolic shaped Hookah- Shisha grommet.
What follows these luxate moments are cheap lousy sexual transactions which society has condemned as Child prostitution.
For Ama2000, Fridays and Saturdays are Fire Emoji days, when they get wasted in wine and debauchery, for concerned parents, these days are a thorn in the flesh, for their daughters will be swallowed by the evils of contemporary society.
A cause for concern, the menace of weekend parties and beer binges has seen girls between the ages of 12 and 16 slowly joining the bandwagon of commercial sex workers.
Social groups of men who are on the hunt for these vulnerable “Ama2000” organize parties, and provide transport and beverages to lure them into their sex nets.
An exclusive interview with a boy, who links the young girls to party organizers and so-called blessers revealed that, whenever there is a party, transport is readily availed and young girls are picked from a pavement near Gweru Memorial Library opposite Townhouse.
“Linkage” as the guy likes to call himself, is given at least $US20 to invite sweet beautiful young girls from around the city to attend a weekend party.
Yaa madhara anenge achida Usavi hwedoro, Saka ini ndinongoinviter mababy bhoo but havazode mahure makuru ka.
The guys will provide the beer, you know Ama200 loves Ciders, Shisha, meat and more entertainment, the girls are paid for their services, said the snobbish linkman.
“Linkage” however said he was not responsible for the girls; his duty is to provide them with invitations and link them up with party organizers.
This reporter, through participant observation (attending the weekend parties), realized that most of the young girls at the Weekend parties, get extremely intoxicated and end up falling prey to older men who will ferry them into their cars.
A follow-up on one of the cars revealed that most of these drunk girls are taken to US$10 lodges (names withheld) within the CBD where sexual intercourse takes place.

The girls are sometimes ferried back to the party or are left roaming the streets, those who are left gallivanting the streets at nightfall prey again to Ghetto youths who will take advantage of them due to their drunken state.
Tariro (15) not her real name, was once dumped at a local nightclub by one of her blessers, she later hooked up with another man who ferried her home the following morning after sleeping with her for an undisclosed fee.
mmmm last week ndakatambwa tonaz muface akaenda neni kubhawa akazonditiza apa ndaive ndakadhakwa, I had no option but to find another dude for the night, the guy courted me after, went with me to a lodge along Gweru-Shurugwi Road, he later took me home KuMkoba the following morning he was a nice guy though, said Tariro.
However, Woman’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (Wicoz) Midlands Chairperson Nozipho Rutsate has condemned all those fuelling Child prostitution and called upon members of the public to safeguard the girl child from prostitution.
“WCOZ highly condemns any act of Child prostitution in our society. The girl child’s place is at school. There are reportedly some hotspot areas where child prostitution is rampant and we shall work closely with the police and any other whistle-blowers to ensure that we safeguard the girl child from any acts of prostitution.
The vulnerability of the girl child is increased when they are in dangerous places such as Vuzu parties, pubs and night clubs as they fall prey to men who may want to take advantage of them,” she said.
Rutsate also noted that, poverty, and the lack of parental guidance as the other key drivers of Child prostitution.
“However, there’s another perspective where children get into prostitution because of their background of poverty or lack of parental guidance on sexual issues or in another case where a girl has been sexually violated and she loses her self-worth and resorts to prostitution.
“With this in mind, there is a need to raise awareness among our girl child. With this in mind we have to raise awareness on sexual education to both the boy child and girl child so they under the implications of unsafe sex and the effects of prostitution. Child prostitution has no place in our society and the perpetrators violating our dear children should be brought to the book with a stiff penalty, she said.#The Sun