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SDGs seek to end poverty, hunger in communities

By Tinaani Nyabereka
Gweru-The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seek to end poverty, hunger, realize human rights for all, achieve gender equality, empowerment of all and ensure the lasting protection of the planet among other things.

Speaking during an SDGs capacity building workshop last week, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Youth Advocate,Takudzwanashe Samhembere said the main goal of SDGs was to change people’s livelihood.

He also added that the mantra of the SDGs in line with vision 2030 was to ensure inclusive participation in key development programs.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Youth Advocate,Takudzwanashe Samhembere standing

“The SDGs came into life in 2015 after much consideration by over 171 countries who met to push the agenda which have 5 P’s which are People, Planet, Peace, Partnerships, and Profit. We want to localize SDGs so that they suit the community we are in as a country.

“We have 17 goals that are guiding us which includes, to end poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitization, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption, production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice, strong institutions and partnership for the goals.

“The SDGs work in a linear process which is initiating to create awareness, give knowledge about the SDGs, after acquiring knowledge then take action , that is implementing what one has been made aware of, lastly checking achievements or an evaluation of what was implemented,” he said.
Samhembere however expressed concern over communities that are still lagging behind on SDGs information.

“We have gathered people from various places within Gweru as a way to kick-start the program. It is sad however how the community seems to be unaware of the set global goals so to curb such and record success, we will be running this program.

“Communities actually have a role to play towards attaining set goals and because of that realization, we are engaging youths from different facets of the society to help spread and implement the SDGs at community levels,” added Samhembere.

Disability Activist Young Voices Zimbabwe Director, Nyasha Mahwende echoed the need for disability-friendly environments and inclusion of people with disabilities in promoting the implementation of the sustainable development goals.

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