Aristophanes was a renowned ancient Greek playwright, known for his witty and insightful comedies that satirized Athenian society. Aristophanes was in Athens, Greece in 450 BCE and died in 385 BCE. His father, Philippus was an Athenian citizen, and Aristophanes wrote many plays the most notable play The Clouds.
The Clouds written and played in 423 BCE was a notable Play that critiques Sophism and philosophical excesses.Sophism is the idealistic of truth and morality. It also helps one to have the ability to think and for individual humans to focus on great achievement knowing your potential, not Bootlicking.
In today’s Political institutions, we have witnessed a lot of influenced promotion of self-interests which has caused more harm in our modern-day political organizations and political parties. In the play Clouds, the play follows Strepsiades, a farmer who seeks to avoid paying debts by learning rhetorical tricks from Sacrates. Strepsiades ‘son Pheidippides, is sent to Socrates ‘ Thinkery, where he learns to argue both sides of any issue.
This is what our political landscape has been or is experiencing that we have individuals who are using political influence to take what belongs to the Masses. Using political positions, money and some even threats.
This has made people form individual groups within the same political party, where there is the issue of demanded loyalty which translates to bootlicking for the birth of divisions and fractionalism.
Sycophancy is now born in Political groups within the same political party where individual members now adopt excessive or insincere flattery to certain individuals within the same organization. The members do the bootlicking to gain favors and advantages from someone in power.
The most sycophants are opportunities, those seeking personal gains or advancement from political leaders. And this will lead to blind loyalty to a leader or ideology because you will be only after acceptance or status within a group.
In those groups within the larger group, there is excessive praise or flattery which leads to a lack of critical thinking. Because mostly they are more focused on personal gain or some sort of advantage over fellow members.Blind loyalty creates hypocritical behavior towards your fellow members thus undermining leadership credibility and encouraging corruption.
The waste result will cause damage on the organization or political party culture and ideology. This will lead to a loss of personal integrity both of individual politicians and the political party at large. They will greatly damage the professional reputation and the political party’s founding principles and ideals. Because a political party’s values will be compromised.
To overcome sycophancy as politicians in our political parties, it is very important to encourage critical thinking and promote transparency and Constitutionalism.
Also in our political parties, we should reward merit-based performance and cultivate diverse perspectives. As in the ancient Roman Empire when Tacitus wrote about the dangers of bootlicking and flattery. And the great warning from Plato against flattery…”( The Republic)”
In our modern-day political landscapes, the issue of bootlicking and loyalty are now too complex issues that has lead to highly significant consequences. We have seen in the world powerful political parties how bootlicking has destroyed them. Because this creates tension between genuine loyalty and opportunistic sycophancy. Because in most political parties loyalty and bootlicking are often tied to political survival. Leaders and elites exchange loyalty and community alliances for political positions and influence.
This patronage system can foster a culture of bootlicking, where individuals prioritize pleasing those in power over genuine commitment to the party’s ideals and values. The practice of bootlicking in most political parties undermines public trust and erodes togetherness in a political organization.
It also creates a culture of fear, where members become reluctant to speak out against questionable decisions and policies. The focus on pleasing those in power can divert attention from critical issues, such as Economic development and service delivery. So it’s very important to promote a culture of genuine loyalty to the party constitution and party principles built on shared values and principles.
This is done by encouraging critical thinking, Thus fostering an environment where individual politicians and members feel comfortable questioning and debating policies. Also empowering citizens and members by strengthening our institutions through strong constitutional provisions and moving towards a more inclusive and effective political ground.
- political and social Commentator and Analyst
- author and founder of the 7-day Theory..14-10-2024!