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Flooding in Woodlands irks residents

GWERU: Woodlands Phase 2 residents are up in arms with road contractors of the Lower Gweru road who stand accused of creating new drainage systems which diverted water into the area resulting in serious flooding.

Heavy rains which were experienced in the area this week saw houses being flooded and motorists failing to drive on the roads, and other residents losing foodstuff in the process.

Although all necessary measures which included clearing and creating a new drainage system were undertaken prior to the start of the rainy season, the area experienced unanticipated flooding.

Woodlands Phase 2 affected residents receiving foodstuffs
River Valley land developer clearing blocked drainage Systems


Residents allege that the lower Gweru road contractor Bitumen in course of their duties, re-diverted the existing drainage system resulting in all rainwater flowing into Maphosa Plot and Woodlands Phase 2.
“This year we were not expecting any serious flooding in the area as the land developer had created new drainage system but the road contractor opened up new drains which diverted water from its normal free flow route into Woodlands.

Bitumen World engineer Malven Chitsanga said for the problem to be resolved, a meeting is needed between Woodlands Phase2 land developer, Ministry of Transport, and the City of Gweru as his company needs more funds to address the issue.
” As you are aware via Mambo road used to flood during rainy seasons but this year no flooding was reported because of the new drainage system we created while refurbishing the lower Gweru road,” said engineer Chitsanga.

For the past two days, the land developer River Valley was busy clearing blocked drainages and distributing foodstuff to the affected families in the area. #The Sun

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