Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following development on Stands 3294 and 3295 Gwelo Township of Stand 1197A Gwelo Township (Kopje) Gweru. It is proposed to establish a Pre-School on the above-mentioned stand. Stands 3294 and 3295 Gwelo Township are in the Low-Density Residential Zone in terms of Gwelo Municipal Town Planning Scheme wherein the establishment of a Pre-School may be permitted through Special Consent of the Local Authority. The application plans and any special conditions which the local Planning Authority is likely to impose, in the event that this application being favorably considered may be inspected in the City Planning and Development Control Section during normal office hours. Any person wishing to make objections or representations relating to the application must lodge them with the undersigned within one month of the date of the first insertion of this notice.
The Acting Town Clerk
City Of Gweru
P.O. Box 287